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November Monthly Newsletter

Worship with us across the Team

Details of services across the team, as well as our worship at home resources, are available each week on our website.

Our Sunday Zoom Church meets every week at 11.00am at the following link: Everyone is welcome.

New Appointment for Team Rector

Our Team Rector, the Rev’d David Newton, has been appointed by Bishop Dagmar as the new Diocesan Director of Ordinands for the Diocese of Ely. He will be leaving his role in the Team at the end of the year to take up his new position from January 2024. 

David writes, “From early on in my own vocational journey, I have felt called to the work of ministerial formation and theological education, and in my roles here I have always loved helping people discern and grow in their own vocations and giftings. In my new role I will take on responsibility for all candidates in the discernment process, and all ordinands training for ministry.

It has been a huge joy and honour to be part of the Lordsbridge Team for the last six and a bit years. I have loved playing my part in the ministry of the whole people of God in these parishes both as Team Vicar and then more latterly as Rector. It is an extraordinary team – with energy, verve and courage across the parishes. And it has been wonderful to share in the joys and challenges of ministry in these villages.

I will miss you all hugely and will be praying for the ongoing and exciting work of the Church in our villages.”

David will be much missed across his parishes and the Team, and we send our prayers and blessings with him and his family as he moves onto his new role. David’s last service with us will be on Christmas Day.

The Shed Update

The Comberton Shed project is up and running, with a visit to James’s impressive shed and miniature railway. This project aims to promote wellbeing through a community creative space where people can socialise and share their skills. They are currently exploring options for a permanent home, so if you have any ideas or want to be involved please do get in touch with Barnabas (

All Souls Services of Remembering

These simple services taking place across the Team are an opportunity to remember loved ones who are no longer with us. Everyone is welcome at any of the services.

The Lordsbridge Team Monthly Newsletter

The Lordsbridge Team Monthly Newsletter aims to keep us connected to one other – spotlighting some of the wonderful things happening in the parishes, being honest about some of the challenges (like building repairs), and sharing news and events that have team-wide appeal. For village focussed events, please do check out your local church mailings. 

To get in touch with the Lordsbridge Team and for links to our Facebook and Instagram pages, please see the Contact Us page.