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The Church of St Peter & St Paul, Dry Drayton

The Church of St Peter and St Paul, Dry Drayton


Sunday Services:
5.30pm, Evensong – First Sunday
9.30am, Holy Communion – Second & Fourth Sundays
11.00am, All Age Service – Third Sunday
3.00pm, Forest Church – Fourth Sunday

Rev’d Clare Coates Team Vicar and Lead Minister
Rev’d Canon Sue Wyatt – Assistant Minister
David Wyatt – Churchwarden

St Peter and St Paul is both a building and a worshipping community. As the parish church for the village of Dry Drayton, the church is a small, friendly community who support each other in prayer, worship, and the life of the Christian faith, by meeting together in-person or on Zoom. The Church has a strong musical tradition and holds a monthly Sunday evensong with a choir. The congregation also meets weekly for Sunday services. Dry Drayton church is very involved in the life of the local community and the village Church of England school.