Sunday Services:
8.30am, Holy Communion (BCP) – St Andrew’s
First, Third and Fifth Sundays
11.00am, Holy Communion/Morning Worship
Methodist Chapel – First and Third Sundays
St Andrew’s – Second and Fourth Sundays
Rev’d Barnabas Leeke – Team Curate
Barbara Preece – Licensed Lay Minister
Ann Mitchell & John Quenby – Churchwardens
Rev’d Charity Ngezwu – Methodist Minister
Cathy Michell – Methodist Lay Preacher
Steve Acklam – Methodist Steward
Barbara Preece – Parish Safeguarding Officer
(; 01223 263466)
The Church in Toft is a Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP), meaning that the Church of England and Methodist Church meet and work together in the village. The church meets in either St Andrew’s Church or the Toft Methodist Chapel each Sunday morning.
As Toft is a village of only 550 people, the church is thoroughly integrated into the life of the community and embedded in all that goes on. There is a wonderful team of volunteers and lay ministers who run the church and its activities and there is a good musical tradition. The church is actively involved in running the fete, coffee mornings, “The Spring Feast” and other events which bring the community together.
Wednesday Morning Prayer – often with a Celtic flavour – is a pillar of the worshipping life, creating a steady rhythm of prayer through the week.