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St Peter’s Church, Coton

St Peter's, Coton
St Peter’s Church, Coton


Sunday Services:
8.30am, Holy Communion (BCP) – First Sunday
10.30am for 11.00am, Breakfast, Craft and Praise – First Sunday
11.00am, Morning Prayer – Second Sunday
11.00am, Holy Communion (BCP) – Third Sunday
11.00am, Holy Communion – Fourth Sunday

Rev’d Claire RobertsonActing Team Rector and Lead Minister
Rev’d Barnabas Leeke – Team Curate
Julia Hall – Churchwarden
Sally Bott – Parish Safeguarding Officer
(; 07482790338)

St Peter’s Church stands at the heart of Coton village. The church community enjoys an eclectic range of Sunday services each month from an All Age Service of ‘Breakfast, Craft and Praise’ to a traditional BCP Communion; from Celtic-style Morning Worship to Common Worship Communion with a variety of traditional and modern music. The church also regularly opens its doors to local families for baptisms, weddings and funerals.

The church is very involved in the village community and hosts annual events such as Cream Teas on the village green, a Harvest Quiz, and Carols on the Green. The church is also supportive of other community events and activities, such as the parent and toddler group. Recent new church initiatives have included ‘Coton on Show’, in addition to tours of the recent church renovation work.

There are strong links between the church and the local church school; the children visit the church building each term to celebrate festivals, and the church helps to support the RE curriculum. Relationships with local families are also fostered through joint art and musical initiatives.