In May, schools and churches across the Team were asked to contribute to our Pentecost Poetry Project, creating poems, artwork and prayers around the Pentecost theme. Below are some of the wonderful contributions to the project. We hope you enjoy them!
Thank you very much to everyone who took part and shared their creativity with us.
Everyone closed in an upper room
Nervous and expectant
Tongues of fire
Engulfed in the Holy Spirit
Carried out into the street
Onlookers gathered around
Speaking and hearing every language
They were amazed
Noemi Leeke, Coton
In silence we wait
Wind, fire, breath in, breath out
In boldness we speak
Barnabas Leeke, Coton

Now what?
From the wondrous ecstasy of entry into Jerusalem and
Our overwhelming joy
To the appalling agony of the Crucifixion and
Our desperate despair
Then the mystical appearances of Jesus and
Our inexcusable bewilderment
Now what?
We’re all here, bemused and confused
Lost and frightened and scared
Without any real idea
Of how to carry out the great commission
Asking ourselves
Now what?
We should have known God would provide
And he did in the most spectacular way
As the Holy Spirit came on us
Enabling us to speak in tongues
And tell the whole world
Of our good news
Question answered
No longer now what, simply now!
Steve Acklam, Toft
Holy Spirit come,
You came as wind
mighty, rushing, powerful,
blowing away the old
ushering in the new
blow into us today.
Holy Spirit come,
You came as wind
mighty, rushing, powerful,
blowing away the old
ushering in the new
blow into us today.
O Holy Spirit come,
You came as fire
tongues of flame,
cleansing, purifying,
empowering, emboldening,
burn in us today.
O Holy Spirit come,
You came as a dove
symbol of peace,
seal of God’s favour
in the waters of baptism
flow through us today.
O Holy Spirit come,
You came bringing wonder
transforming speech and language
God’s message revealed
to a waiting world,
speak through us today.
O Holy Spirit come,
You came as power
blowing, burning,
affirming, transforming,
renew us with your holy breath
live in us today.
Gill King, Coton
The time before Pentecost
It was strange – the in between time
Their Master had gone –
The Apostles carried on
Worshipping in the Temple and
Praising God their beloved Lord was alive,
He had Ascended out of sight
Just like Prophets before him
but, this was different
Jesus had left them with a promise
A promise that they would have help to carry on
Passing on the message that his life and death
was not be in vain but gives eternal life
It was a lonely time and waiting for a sign
Weighed heavily on their hearts
Then it happened! The Apostles of Jesus were celebrating
At a Feast in Jerusalem
The promise was fulfilled! They understood!
It was awesome – the flames of fire the tongues
and full of the Gift of the Holy Spirit they spoke
In many languages to the crowds gathered
so that all could share
And understand that It was for them –
who accepted the Gift!
Never again would they be alone
Jesus Christ had conquered death so that we may live!!
Lois Clark, Caldecote
Frightened, trembling, door locked, hiding
Waiting, praying, waiting, longing
Know not what for, but remain.
Master gone, returned, ascended
Fear, betrayal ,still in mind
Crucifixion, Jews and Romans
Oh what horror could pursue.
All together, waiting, praying
Sound of wind and tongues of fire
Languages for every nation
Wonder, passion, hearts ablaze
Fear dismissed through revelation
Love so strong and overflowing
Holy Spirit. Promised. Given.
Sue Simpson, Comberton

Fire is red, violets are blue,
All of the flames came down
To you
James, Coton School
Everyone amazed
Next the fire spreads
Time to speak languages
Energetic wind
Curious Holy Spirit
Organised people
Spirit burns
Time to get fire
Florence, Coton School
Once Languages were
Different flames balanced
on their heads waiting
waiting for the Holy
Spirit to come to
Our world
Edmund, Coton School
Roses are Red,
Violets are blue,
The Holy Spirit dove
came down to you.
Ella, Coton School
Locked in a room
As dark as a tomb
Everyone whispers
Tongues of fire on everyone’s heads
Into the street
they were led
Languages singing
in the wind
Zoe, Coton School
There they were praying and expecting
For what? Wind and fire?
Who knows?
But it wasn’t quite,
The story just says ‘like’
But somehow they knew
How do we know
Need Holy Spirit to show
About something new?
What is this festival of Pente-cost?
Good news for three thousand who were lost.
Good News for us, for every day
Power to speak and power to pray
What is this Pentecost?
What did this Pente cost?
What has five got to do with it?
After His resurrection,
just before He went back to heaven,
Jesus promised five things
to those who believe in Him:
“In my name they will drive out demons,
they will speak in new tongues,
they will pick up snakes with their hands,
and when they drink deadly poison,
it will not hurt them at all.
they will place their hands on sick people,
and they will not be ill at all.”
Then later on Paul helpfully reminds us
that we are not all made quite the same,
but there are five key activities to do in His Name,
– on top of the call to love each other,
and for each one to be an active encourager,
Wow! – five again!
So how does our Father feel?
When he gives us holy gifts that are real,
But we would rather leave them – still in a seal?
How do you feel father mother inside
if your child just leaves that special gift on the side?
What does it cost?
Just a little bit of pride?
What if your words
Changed some others’ lives
What if your Knowledge
Opened a way of life wide?
Was it worth the risk?
And what happened on this day of Pente?
This day of fives.
When somehow 120
became this times 5 times 5?
When people from at least 15 lands,
heard Good News in their own lang.
Oh can you not see?
Oh how can it be?
That speaking in a tongue
Gives glory to the Son.
Because God says you may all speak His words
Or on hearing do we just emit a large sigh
or with others around us to
encourage us along
these words may even fit into a song
Are we constrained by numbers or words,
or maybe this Pente business is not absurd
But a way of discovering another dimension
That could release a lot of pressure and tension
Well a lot of people were gathered
by what Holy Spirit was doing.
What on earth is this Pentecost?
What does it mean for those who are lost?
Something to do with a Name
How does that help with my pain?
And there they proclaimed together with one voice
And we heard Good News in our language of choice
We were from places near and abroad
Come together to celebrate the Lord
John Simpson, Comberton