Welcome to the Lordsbridge Team
Monthly Newsletter
August 2024
Rejoice in the Lord always;
again I will say, Rejoice.
Let your gentleness be known to everyone.
The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:4-9 (NRSV)
Worship with us across the Team
Details of services across the team, as well as our worship at home resources, are available each week on our website.
Our Sunday Zoom Church meets every week at 11.00am at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82311473640. The service sheet is available on the website. Everyone is welcome.
St Mary’s Comberton Summer Fete – Monday 26th August, 2.00 – 4.00pm
St Andrew’s Toft Summer Fete –
Saturday 7th September, 10.00 – 12.30pm
Safeguarding Training
The Diocese of Ely is keen to encourage all those who volunteer in our churches – whether that’s in services or for events and activities – to carry out Basic Safeguarding Training, so that we can all be more aware of how to care for the vulnerable amongst us. We are therefore running an in-person Basic Safeguarding Training on Tuesday 6th August at 10.00am at the Cabin, St Mary’s Hardwick. If you are planning to attend, please let Becca know (rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org). Everyone is welcome!
If you can’t make the session but would like to carry out this important training, it can also be accessed online at the Church of England’s Safeguarding Training Portal. Once completed, please forward your training certificate to your church’s Safeguarding Officer.
The Big WCCYM Fundraiser
Can you help us raise funds for WCCYM? That could be a sponsored walk, a sponsored cycle, or 10k run… whatever you are able to offer. We look to do all of this on the weekend of 21st & 22nd September. Contact Susie@wccym.org to find out more details.
Priesting of Rev’d Barnabas Leeke
It was wonderful to celebrate Rev’d Barnabas’ ordination to priest at the end of June, with services at Ely Cathedral and at St Mary’s, Comberton. Thank you to all who supported Rev’d Barnabas on this special occasion!
Treasurer Vacancy – St Peter’s Barton
The current Treasurer at St Peter’s Barton is retiring soon and the church is looking for someone to fill this role.
This vacancy should ideally suit someone who can commit three to four hours a week to maintain the financial records of our parish church and parochial community. More time is required to complete statutory bookwork at quarter and year ends. Applicants should have reasonable financial competence and the ability to maintain small business financial accounting software.
Key tasks:
- Record all financial transactions carried out on behalf of the Parochial Church Council.
- Monitor the PCC’s finances throughout the financial year.
- Prepare the annual financial statements for approval by the PCC and submission to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.
- Draft an annual budget to assist the PCC with the planning and fulfilment of its objectives for the coming year.
A full overview of weekly, monthly and quarterly tasks is available on request. All interested parties and those requiring further information are asked to contact Jim Henton – bartonpcctreasurer@gmail.com
Team Rector Vacancy
The Team Rector post is now being advertised on our website, across the diocese and the wider church. The application deadline is 2nd August and interviews will take place in September. Please pray for those leading the appointment process and for those who might apply for the role.
Summer Hamper Scheme
St Mary’s, Comberton is running a Summer Hamper Scheme again this year. This supports families in Comberton, during the holidays, who have children on free school meals . If you’d like to donate to support the hamper scheme, please see here.
Silver EcoChurch Awards
Congratulations to St Mary’s, Hardwick and St Peter and St Paul’s, Dry Drayton on achieving their Silver EcoChurch Awards! Both churches have taken steps to become greener and take care of our planet in all the things they do. For more information about Eco Church and their awards, please see the A Rocha website.
Cambridge Street Pastors – NightLite
The Cambridge Street Pastors team are looking for more volunteers for their NightLite Cafe.
Can you make someone a cup of tea?
Can you listen to someone who wants to talk?
NightLite is a Safe Space night café in Downing Place URC, Cambridge and we would like to extend our opening to every Saturday night during the summer months. Open from 10pm until 3am we offer to listen, care and help people who call in for whatever reason.
Our Team Leader each week is an experienced and trained volunteer and works alongside the door security to maintain a safe area, providing the necessary space where people can come for support, a listening ear, charge their mobile or to wait for their taxi or lift home in safety.
If you would like to join the team for a night to give it a try, please contact Neat, the Coordinator at: Cambridge@streetpastors.org.uk.
More information can also be found on the website here.
To contact the Lordsbridge Team and for links to our Facebook and Instagram pages, please see the Contact Us page.