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January Newsletter

The Team Council AGM will take place on Wednesday 26th February, 7.30pm at The Cabin, Hardwick. This meeting is open to everyone who lives in the parishes in the Team area. Please come along and hear news from across the parishes in the Team, as well as to hear about the work done centrally to help support and enable the mission and ministry of the parishes.

Unfortunately there were no applicants to the post in our recent round of advertising. We will be advertising again this month, with a deadline of the middle of February. Please do continue to pray for the Team during this time of vacancy.

Leading your Church into Growth (LyCiG) is for clergy and lay leaders from across church traditions who are looking for encouragement and equipping in leading their churches into growth.

The LyCiG Ely Diocese conference is taking place over the weekend of 15 & 16 March 2025. The conference is much more effective if there is more than one person from a benefice attending. It means that these people can make plans and decide next steps. To support this, the cost of the conference is being covered by the diocese.

If you would be interested in attending this conference, please speak to your Team Vicar. Several people from across the Team are already planning to attend, so arranging lifts will be possible.

Starting 9th January, Churches Together in Cambridgeshire invite us to join a series of Bible studies with our partners in the Diocese of Vellore. The series explores gender justice, one of the current focus areas of the link.

Leading of the sessions will alternate between the Vellore partners and members of Churches Together in Cambridgeshire. There will be 6 sessions on January 9th, 16th and 30th February 20th and 27th with a 6th date to be agreed during the first meeting. The sessions will start at 9am due to time zone differences and run for 90 minutes.

There is no need to book a place, just join on Zoom using this link which is valid for each week. Each weekly study stands alone rather than building on one another, so if you can only make a few of the dates you will not be at a disadvantage through having missed some. Everyone is welcome!

Our annual fundraising quiz will be happening on Friday 17th January, 7.45pm for an 8pm start at Cambourne Church. So get your teams together now! Email to book your team. 

We hope you enjoy these pictures celebrating Christmas across the Team!

We are looking for someone to take on the organisation of the Lordsbridge Team Pilgrimage – the walk to all the churches in the Team in one day. This traditionally takes place on a day during the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ period between Ascension Day and Pentecost (next year 29th May to 8th June). We would be open to someone who would like to take this on choosing the day and the format. If you are interested or would like to find out more, please get in touch with Becca Herrick (

This year, the Lordsbridge Team is delighted to welcome three ordinands on placement with us – Alistair, Charlotte and Megan – training at Ridley Hall and Westcott House. Over the past few months we have been introducing our ordinands in their own words. Our final ordinand to introduce you to is Megan Creamer. Welcome to the Team, Megan!

“Hi, my name is Megan and I am attached to Claire Robertson, mainly serving at Haslingfield, as well as Harlton, Coton and Barton. I have moved to Cambridge from Guildford Diocese, where I had previously been working as a youth and student minister for a mid-size Surrey village church.

At Ridley I am studying a two-year MA in Theology, Mission and Ministry. I previously did a BA in Theatre and an MA in Mission both of which form a large part of the ways I do ministry and feel my sense of calling into ordination.

So far in my placement this term I have enjoyed experiencing more of the traditional Anglican worship style and getting to learn some more hymns. I have begun to engage with some of the joys and challenges of the rural benefice setting for parish ministry and learn how to navigate that. I have loved getting to know people in all the churches that I have visited and been involved in so far and I look forward to getting to know more of you over the rest of the time I have with you.”

As you are probably aware, the Rev’d Dr Andrew Macintosh, beloved priest at Coton and former Dean of St John’s College, Cambridge, died at the beginning of December. He will be much missed across the Team.

His funeral will take place on 15th January at 1.30pm, at St John’s College Chapel. A tribute to Andrew can be found on the St John’s College website here. Please do remember his family and friends in your prayers.

To contact the Lordsbridge Team and for links to our Facebook and Instagram pages, please see the Contact Us page.